This is sponsored content by BlogHer and Kelloggs.
If you've been following my Kellogg's Moms Breakfast Club posts, you know by now that mornings are a mad rush in my household. I like to stay in bed as late as possible, so it's imperative that everything gets done quickly and according to plan. The key word really is planning, and preparation! Here are some things we do to streamline and simplify our mornings:1) Get ready the night before
Before the kids go to bed I ask them to make sure all their homework is done and in their backpacks, along with any library books, folders and anything else they need to give to their teachers the next day. We also go over what activities we have the next day (i.e., dance, soccer, playdates, etc...) so we know what else needs to be ready.
2) Pre-pack lunches
Many parents like to pack lunches the night before, but I like to assemble my kids' sandwiches right before I pack them, especially when I make sandwiches that might get soggy if the fillings have time to soak through the bread. That doesn't mean I can't get everything set up to make things easier for me in the morning. I pre-chill milk and juice boxes, and cut up fruit the night before. Some lunches can be prepared ahead of time, like pita bread and carrots with hummus, or leftover pasta. You can make a bagel with cream cheese and jelly the night before and refrigerate it. In fact, I like to freeze a giant batch of PBJ sandwiches so I can just pull them out of the freezer and throw it in their lunchboxes.

3) Simplify breakfast
On school mornings I don't have time to mess around with pancakes or waffles or bacon and eggs. I don't even like preparing oatmeal -- hey, that's an extra 2 minutes in the microwave, and another 2 minutes to cool it down! Yup, our schedule is that tight. So unless the kids have gotten to the breakfast table in record time, they stick to cereal and milk. What could be simpler? It's yummy, healthy, filling and ready to eat in an instant.
Whatever you eat when you're in a rush, don't forget to make time to enjoy some Bonggamom Finds on the side! I'm partnering with BlogHer and Kellogg's to bring you some fun breakfast topics, from morning routines to cereal to family breakfast traditions and more. Join me every week through October 2010 for a new discussion -- and a new giveaway for a $100 Visa Gift Card!
Win a $100 Visa Gift Card
One lucky Bonggamom Finds reader will win a $100 Visa Gift card courtesy of Kellogg's and BlogHer. To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me your favorite go-to breakfast when time is tight and you're in a rush.
You can get extra entries by tweeting and blogging about this giveaway, making sure to include a link to this giveaway in your tweet or blog post. Just leave a comment on this post and share the link to your tweet or blog post. Entries will be accepted until October 11, 2010. For full giveaway rules, click here. You can also gain 24 extra chances to win $100 by visiting the Kellogg exclusive offers page. Good luck!
The Mom's Breakfast Club was started to help educate moms and families about kids' cereal and share the scoop on their nutritional benefits and ingredients. Kellogg's helps moms keep their morning simple with cereal varieties for everyone in the family. For more information, visit
This is a sponsored post from BlogHer and Kellogg's. The views and opinions expressed here are my own.
404 comments, leave yours here:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 404 Newer› Newest»When I'm in a hurry, yogurt works for me.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Nothing better than a big ol' banana to fill you up if you're dashing out the door. And so good for you, too.
i'v been loving having zucchini bread on hand!!
Breakfast cereal bars or pop tarts
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
A brown sugar pop tart.
Cereal, bananas, and granola bars are great breakfast foods for our home when we have hectic/busy mornings!
Favorite Go-To Breakfast! Blueberry muffins or a bagel!
My go-to is cold cereal. If I don't even have time for that I graba piece of fruit and a couple crackers to eat in the car!
I'm trying to GAIN weight, so it's usually a donut or sweet roll
Breakfast or Kashi bars, or a banana.
I make a big batch of muffins and freeze them. In the morning, the muffins are thawed on the counter and there are always kid-sized yogurts in the fridge. I think a multi-grain, homemade muffin and yogurt is good!
(P.S. I love your PBJ sandwich idea!)
Also, my email is dixiedotsons at hotmail dot com
When i'm in a hurry i just grab a few bananas. Can always just throw one in your purse.
I try to keep waffles and/or pancakes in the freezer (I make extra to freeze). Pop them in the microwave and add peanut butter for a quick out the door breakfast.
our favorite to go breakfast are muffins. i usually bake a batch once a week and keep them in th freezer, then pop them in the mircowave when it's time to go.
our fav to go breakfast is egg cheese & sausage burritos I bake batchs of these & freeze em pop in the microwave & were on our way to a great
Hi and Happy Wednesday! :) Well, there's always the good old egg mcmuffin, and I don't necessarily mean the McDonald's version, we make it at home plenty too! :)
My out of time breakfast is a grape Powerade and vitamin supplements.
Bagelfuls work well in a pinch.
It would be a bagel and cream cheese or a Nutrigrain bar.
My favorite go-to breakfast is definitely the fiber plus bars! Those things are totally delicious!
Frank Kerner
My favorite to-go breakfast when I am in a rush is to grab a bagel. I love plain bagels!
I quite often eat granola bars for breakfast when I'm in a hurry.
granola bars and a banana.
Some yogurt or a spoonful of peanut butter....
we have containers we pour cereal into the night before that have lids- so if we are running late- snap and munch on the cereal with a juice or grab a carton of milk at school- otherwise granola in yogurt is yummy
Poptarts or cereal bars. When in a rush, these are great for eating on the go.
Thanks so much.
Thanks again
We like cereal and a banana for a quick breakfast
ljatwood at gmail dot com
ljatwood at gmail dot com
My go-to breakfast when time is tight is granola with greek yogurt!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I love yogurt and string cheese!
Leftover pizza. It tastes heavenly and I eat it cold, so there's no cooking!
Alicia Webster
My go to breakfast is a bagel with cream cheese.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Nutri-grain Cereal Bars - I'm partial to the mixed berry.
When I'm in a hurry peanut butter on toast or a granola bar works for me.
pkildow at gmail dot com
My quick breakfast is English Muffins or Bagel.
I grab a granola bar and run.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I am a fan of toast and grape jelly when I am in a hurry
i like to grab a yogurt.
Yogurt with some slice almonds mixed in, or a Nature Valley peanut butter bar.
I know, that's bad, but with 3 kids who don't like to wake up early, our to-go breakfast is really quick. Frozen waffle wrapped around frozen breakfast sausage!
My favorite go-to breakfas is a strawberry poptart.
I blogged and linked this contest at
i like cinnamon toast crunch! yum!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
yogurt works for me
Scott Martin
For me and my 20 month old it's nutrigrain bars and for my 4 year old it's poptarts.
My favorite favorite go-to breakfast
is breakfast cereal bars.
My favorite to go Breakfast would have to be, one yogurt cup, one granola bar and a minute maid single serving juice.
My favorite quick fix breakfast is an onion bagel with cream cheese and lox.
I bake and freeze muffins so that they are ready when needed.
Frosted Flakes is our go to breakfast, delicous, fast and easy. :)
My main busy morning breakfast is something like cold cereal and milk. For when I'm really rushed, its grab a banana and a breakfast bar on the way out.
chainmail(at) iwon(dot)com
I tweeted
When time's really short, a banana does the trick. Of course, I need a snack a few hours later!
our go to breakfast is a granola bar
I usually grab a chocolate chip waffle I can eat it plain
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
a bagel and a piece of fruit
yogurt and granola is always a fast and good for you breakfast to grab!
I keep a stash of granola bars in my car for when I accidentally skip breakfast! Or PB&J in the car works well too!
When I'm in a rush, I usually grab a granola bar or skip breakfast altogether.
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
Follow on FB and would love to win !!!!!
To me, the best breakfast in the world is leftover pizza!
banana nut cheerios
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I love to grab one of my homemade frozen omelets - heat and eat! Yummy. I am queenesperfect at
canneryrowdoc (at)yahoo (dotcom)
waffle sandwich, 2 waffles in the toaster, throw in a slice of ham and some syrup. eat it on the run.
Hi, I usually grab an energy bar when I'm in a hurry!
When I am in a hurry I grab a yougart and a fruit.
Bagels with cream cheese or peanut butter with a banana is my go to on the run breakfast.
I tweeted
I blend a cup milk, a frozen banana and a handful of raw spinach. Tastes great and so good for you.
Frozen Waffles heated in a toaster.
I like breakfast bars or a piece
of fruit. Thanks Cathy TRUMAN
A cup of yogurt with granola is a nice quickie snack for breakfast. For something more filling, I'll have a bowl of multi-grain Cheerios.
A bowl of cereal
When we're in a rush, its either a cereal bar, toast with jam, a bowl of cereal, or an Eggo.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
my favorite go to breakfast is a muffin or bagel with yogurt
When I am in a hurry and have to eat on the go, I turn to peanut butter roll-ups (peanut butter on a whole wheat tortilla).
In a rush, I'll make a deli ham sandwich on whole wheat bread. ;)
cheese an crackers grab an go
Granola or breakfast bars, fruit, or hard boiled eggs (already done and sitting in the fridge).
thanks for the great giveaway!
a bagel with jelly or cream cheese is what I grab everymorning
Peanut butter sandwich
blog entry
I eat South Beach Diet peanut butter protein cereal bars as they are easy to take on the go and have vitamins and protein.
A piece of fruit, apples or bananas are preferred but oranges are acceptable.
Frozen waffles are our usual quick breakfast go-to. Sometimes we do Carnation instant breakfast or yogurt.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
Sometimes it's yogurt. Sometimes it's a breakfast bar thing.
I have some baked corn chips that I reach for when i'm in a hurry, just a handfull and i'm out the door.
I make (and peel) hard boiled eggs once a week - when I'm in a hurry, there's always an egg ready and there's whole wheat bread in the freezer (defrosts in the toaster). asthenight at gmail dot com
Our quick breakfast is cold cereal...or donuts from QuikTrip!
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
Making a batch of baked oatmeal and then having it on hand to warm up for breakfasts throughout the week. Super easy!
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
Definitely granola/cereal bars or poptarts - grab and go! We love cereal, but it's hard to eat that in the car if you're running late - and with a new baby due the end of this month - I see "running late" popping up in our near future! :)
jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
fruit abehles88 at gmail dot com
My go to breakfast is a granola bar and banana.
Really? I like oatmeal. But I put on the kettle so that more than one cup of water can cook. And then I take it with me in the car.
We like cereal, oatmeal, fruit, and yogurt!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
My go-to breakfast is a English Muffin with jelly!
Cream cheese and a bagel will do (toasted if I have time).
When I am in a hurry, I grab a banana and a breakfast bar.
nanoarta1 at gmail dot com
cereal,fresh fruit are always good quick breakfasts...I also keep muffins, blueberry pancakes,etc in the freezer for microwaving.
bananna or fruit works for me
Instant oatmeal in a travel mug.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Fastest: grab a banana and a granola bar. Thanks for the contest.
Pop tarts hot or cold. Easy.
I have these coconut cheese bars I make and freeze. If I don't have much time, I just throw one in the microwave.
Yogurt and a banana is the quick breakfest for us.
We always grab fruit or Nutrigrain bars.
hebert024 at aoldot com
when I need something quick for breakfast I have yogart and some of my home made granola
Our fall back, quick breakfast is wheat toast and grab fruit to eat on the run/in the car!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I scarf a bagel right there in my car. Shhhh...don't tell anyone.
I make muffins often the night before & we eat them all week!
When I am in a hurry for breakfast, we either eat cereal, a breakfast bar or a bagel
rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net
A whole wheat bagel with peanut butter usually does me good and fills me up.
yogurt or cereal bars
in a rush- grab poptarts or a banana.
tcogbill at live dot com
My kids are pretty self sufficient for breakfast. They love yogurt cups, so that is a no brainer. What I do do that makes life easier for them is pre-cut the English muffins and bagels. My older son is old enough to toast them himself, but I don’t quite trust his knife skills yet, so if they are already cut, it’s one less thing we have to worry about.
A quick breakfast for me is usually a cereal bar and/or a banana to eat in the car on the way to work!
krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com
Kellogs frozen waffles (strawberry or blueberry flavored
I eat a banana stuffed with peanut butter when I'm in a hurry. Thank you for this giveaway!
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
When I'm in a hurry I grab yogurt.
we keep it simple with cereal and milk
Mine would be peanut butter on toast.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
eswright18 at gmail dot com
we have cereal and fruit for a fast breakfast
we have cereal and fruit for a fast breakfast
Latest: kelloggs giveaway less than 5 seconds ago
Yogurt is my go to - portable, yummy and easy peasy.
Breakfast cereal bars and milk for me.
toaster struf\del
Stoneyfield Farms makes an organic version of gogurt and I grab those when I'm in a rush. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
I have a protein shake whether I'm in a hurry or not. Takes no time to make.
Toaster strudels are my to go to food when i am short on time
floatingonabiscuit at
I love toasted english muffin with cream cheese and fresh strawberries mixed with sugar free glaze.
I Love To grab a sliced apple when I'm feeling healthy. But sadly...I have my poptart days too!
Stumbled this giveaway post!
I usually just eat some toast with an apple or a banana!
my email is breezestuff009 AT gmail DOT com :)
I also just tweeted about the contest on my twitter!
Sometimes I have some cheese crackers and a skim milk. Or a piece of fruit.
Nutrigrain bars works for me when I am in a hurry.
toast or an apple
On the go, we will grab a fruit and a breakfast bar. Got to have a fruit in the morning. Love em!
Tweeted giveaway here!
Our go to breakfast is Pop Tarts or fruit and nut granola bars.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
If time is tight, I'll just have whole wheat toast and a piece of fruit.
I love Quaker Chewy Granola Bars!
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
I usually grab a yogurt and a banana
I tweeted!/eyzofblu63/status/26753122473
our go to breakfast is toaster waffles
cereal bars and fruit
My favorite go-to breakfast is NutriGrain bars
We love eating cereal and poptarts.
tweet tweet!/leahforlove/status/26759804704
Banana and yogurt!
We also usually have a "quick" breakfast of a cereal bar, cereal or toasted waffles with peanut butter :) Sometimes we also throw a hot bowl of oatmeal in the mix.
My favorite go-to breakfast if time is tight is a bowl of müsli with milk. Quick, tasty, and healthy!
tinaslists(at)gmail dot com
A Nutri-Grain bar and an apple
If time is really tight, I usually grab a yogurt and some granola to eat when I get to work!
I love Cliff Bars! I grab them on the go all the timE!
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
I have a bagel when I need to eat quickly
I like to make bran muffins with fruit, and then they can be grabbed on the way out the door. Made the day cant be beat!
I tweeted.!/SewIntoEwe/status/26793144242
I slather some cream cheese onto a bagel and I'm out the door
sorry, just left the comment about slathering cream cheese onto a bagel then out the door and didn't leave my email
reallycool3108 at yahoo dot com
When I'm running out of time in the morning I grab a banana.
I usually go for a bagel with cream cheese or a breakfast bar, thanks for the chance!
I usually have yogurt and a banana.
Hmm, breakfast any time of day
Just me now so blueberry muffins, banana nut muffins. frozen waffles or pancakes, or sorry.... but sometimes a drink and cheese crackers.
I grab a banana or toast, when in a hurry
I usually have cereal and fruit.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
We eat something quick--like cereal and milk! thanks for a chance to win!
kmassman gmail
My favorite is a piece of blueberry coffee cake.
We always have banana's around for a quick breakfast treat, also granola bars work too.
bakergurl02 @
Other than cereal, our go-to quickie is peanut butter toast.
Oatmeal for me. Hot water dispenser makes it in no time!
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
We eat granola bars when we are in a hurry!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
pre made breakfast burritos - or egg muffins :)
My favorite's gotta be just plain old black table grapes :D SO tasty when I'm in a hurry :D
I just tweeted this giveaway here :D
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